HH16 - Haunt in Halmich V
Next week, the club will not have a regular meeting on Thursday. Instead, we will have a halloween geocaching party/even on Friday.
You can come to both parts, or just one part of the night.
4:00 Movie Start - Location TBD : This will include potluck style snacks. Please bring a little something to share if you plan to come to this. (ex: popcorn, pop, candy, other snacks)
6:00 Depart to Leave for the Haunt in Halmich V Event : This is a geocaching event that is at the City of Warren Halmich Park. We will meet other geocachers and find halloween themed caches. (If you plan to attend just this part of the night make sure to let me know so someone can pick you up!)
7:30-9:00 Geocache in Halmich Park
9:00 Depart for home, arriving at approximately 9:30- 10:00
The way we will travel to this event is carpooling with one adult chaperone.
Leave any questions in the comments!